Admission procedures

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To simplify, the Admission procedures involve tasks that need to be completed with the transfer university. The Admissions Team will guide you throughout this process, from the preparation of Admission documents to the acceptance of offers, for studying abroad.

Admission Documents

You are required to submit admission documents to obtain the Letter of Offer. The specific documents required may vary depending on your chosen transfer university. The Admissions Team will provide you with a checklist of these documents, along with detailed instructions and samples. Please ensure that you regularly check your email to stay updated with the most recent information.

Letter of Offer

You will receive a Letter of Offer from your transfer university, which contains instructions and information which you should read carefully. There are three types of offers you will receive:

– Conditional Offer outlines the conditions that need to be met in order for you to be offered a place in your selected course. Once you have met the conditions, a full offer can be issued. You are not allowed to accept this offer.

– Full Offer with conditions allows entry for the stated intake of the course you are eligible for. Some conditions regarding your Final Academic Transcript need to be satisfied. You are allowed to accept this offer.

Full Offer with no conditions allows entry for the stated intake of the course you are eligible for. No further conditions need to be satisfied. You are allowed to accept this offer.

Accept Offer

When you receive a Full Offer, it often comes with an Offer Acceptance Form. It is important to carefully verify all the details mentioned in the Full Offer. Once you have confirmed that all the information is accurate and you have thoroughly read and understood the contents of the form, you can proceed to sign the Offer Acceptance Form and make the required payment, known as the Offer Acceptance Fee.

The Offer Acceptance Fee is a portion of your tuition fee that you need to pay when accepting the offer. This fee includes several components:

– Deposit tuition fees for the first term/year at the foreign university.
– Overseas study health cover for the entire duration of your study abroad program.
– Student services fee (if any).

Accepting the offer is an essential step in the process, as it allows you to obtain either the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) or the Payment Receipt, which are vital for your Visa application. Therefore, please be aware that apart from the funds you set aside for financial proofing related to Visa procedures, you must also allocate a separate amount for the Offer Acceptance Fee.